While it is important to watch the number of carbohydrates you eat on a low carb diet, there will be times when you've gone over the limit or you need a food that satisfies but doesn't have any, or next to no, carbs.
Our bodies need carbohydrates in order to function and remain healthy. However, in our standard western diet, we often eat well over the recommended 30% of the overall percentage of carbohydrates for the calories we consume each day. And it's easy to do that. Carbohydrates are in almost everything from the slice of bread with lunch, to the apple, banana, ice cream and slice of cake for dessert.
If what you are eating has been processed in anyway, the likelihood is that there are an abundance of carbs in the food.
So, what foods can you snack on or pick up at the end of the day when you know you blew it at lunch?
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